Reflections on the England Squad

By Oscar Reilly, Rugby Writer

Earlier today, Eddie Jones announced the 36-man squad for a training camp next week in Bristol, and there were some notable absentees. 

Danny Cipriani, arguably the in-form fly-half in the premiership so far this season, has been omitted, with the decision being “based on his form”.

It begs the question as to what Cipriani has to do to get into the squad, and whether Jones’ comments are actually the whole truth, or whether higher authorities would not allow him to pick Cipriani for off-field incidents. Yet, the other man who is surrounded by disciplinary issues, Chris Ashton, has been included in the squad having not played a competitive game for his new club Sale.  Ashton was banned for 7 weeks in a pre-season match, and is set to return to premiership rugby in mid-October.

Looking further into the squad, Jones has selected Bath winger Joe Cokanasiga for his first training camp. Not only does this mean it is likely the former London Irish player will soon be making his international debut, but he could be a long term solution to replace Anthony Watson; who has re-torn his Achilles tendon and has been ruled out until at least January, if not longer.

Other notable selections include Manu Tuilagi, who has not played for England since 2016, and Brad Shields has been picked despite his facial injury ruling him out for another few weeks.

So what should we make of this squad? In all honesty, there hasn’t been a lot of change compared to recent squads. Cipriani’s exclusion suggests that Jones is determined to stick to his guns with how he wants to play rugby, with Ford presumably starting come November. With John Mitchell in place as the new Defence coach, a lot of the upcoming camp will be focused on fine-tuning that defence.

The Decision to omit Cipriani has received widespread criticism

Should England fans be optimistic about this squad, or is it a worrying sign that Jones is set in his ways and won’t budge from a gameplan that has been failing of late? Jones still hasn’t properly replaced Glen Ella, and England’s attack suffered during the Six Nations. 

Wisemantel did a good job in South Africa on a short-term contract, but is he the right man going forward? England need to score tries, and to score tries they need flair, which is why Cipriani’s omission from the squad is wrong. Without a serious change, which the Gloucester fly-half can bring, England are going to struggle in the Autumn.
